15 Things you wish you knew before living in France #1

They have an interestingly complete knowledge of pharmacy drugs. The paramacies here are the best in the world and they're everywhere; you can buy everything from cool glasses and makeup to massage seats. You must always say hello and goodbye to store keepers. You can get discounts for being a student at lots of places, including movie theaters, train tickets and museums. Les Soldes- by law there can only be two real sales a year, going back to government regulted guilds. Use those times of the year wisely, one is the end of January to early February. French door latches are ridiculous, it takes your full weight to pull a door closed, even though you don't want to hurt them because they are beautiful. In America they would be considered broken, here they are considered difficult. Keep bread fresh in a cotton cloth. The pizza is not good. Just because they live side by side with the Italians does not make them good at making pizza. ...