News reel
So what's been happening since last week? Things have calmed down a tad although France is still under a state of emergency and Belgium had a serious scare but now the news has refocused on the climate summit in Paris. Everything around here is decorated for Christmas (Noël) and St.Nicolas was celebrated last weekend. All around here are pop up Christmas markets with mulled wine and h andmade goods. Lucia has taught me the simplest most delicious way to roast vegetables. I've spent some time with new adoptive Italian family as well as a young couple (Russian/Argentinan) and any free time is used out in service or going to the grocery store to buy groceries before Lucia does. Every Wednesday I do a long day in service with a sister from Valenciennes, sometimes taking the train into town early in the morning, we going in service and have lunch at her house (I make guacamole) and I have a few return visits which is awesome. Teaching has been going okay. ...