La CAF- or complaining enough to get some money from the government

See original imageOh France.  You're so beautiful but so complicated.  You're so up tight but you love you some fries.  You can be so polite but you choose to be rude.  France, Fraaaannnce why do you act like you do?  This is an ode to one small portion of the French buraucratic system known as 'la CAF' or 'Caisse allocation familial' that is sooooo French.  

What is CAF?  CAF is a housing stipend that is available to many people especially poor people (me) or people with kids.  You can even get the stipend even if you are not french, yes!

How do you get CAF?  You send in every piece of information about yourself and your logeing.  In the end you would rather just send in a blood sample, all your ID cards and your life story if it would go faster.

How long does it take?  For ev er for ev er for ev er.  I sent in my documents in October and I am just now getting my stipend the end of April.

So why the hassle for CAF?  Basically it pays in some cases over half of your rent each month, you don't need to be French, and if you are living off of a small budget it's super fantastic.  You have to be persistant, work hard and quickly in order to get your CAF but it's completely worth it. This along with lots of other social aides really help if you're living in tax happy France. 


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