What's in a name?

Being an Emily in France.  

They think of you as having a French name, that's a good thing, there was also a musical in the 70s called 'Émilie Jolie' (Pretty Emily) when I introduce myself people will often say 'ohhh Émilie comme Émilie Jolie!' That's how they remember it and right of the bat subconsciously they think you're pretty, boom.  Buuuut also a little girl that imagines hedgehogs and travels in her pajamas...

Weird feelings when it comes to spelling and pronunciation:

You might not know or realize but the French pronunction and the english pronunciation of Emily vs Émilie are very different.  Try (em-uh-lee) versus (eeh-mee-lee),I normally need to pronounce my name twice once with English pronunciation and the second with a focused French one because people often think I'm named Amelie or some different African name or something.  I know know how it feels to have your name constantly misspelled as well never with a y always with ie, even on some legal documents sent in by my schools.  By the way the last time I was in France the family I stayed with signed me up for a phone contract as Émilie Sundare, so I have an alias.  At first I thought it was cute but after a while when someone would ask for my phone number I would make sure to say Emily with a y not an ie.  


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