Trains, plane, car

The worst part of traveling...wonderful people.  You shouldn't envision a world where you drag your friends and family along with you everywhere you go but it is tempting.  Thank you FaceTime and the Internet for making long distance friendships bearable.  But still I'll have to wait another few months in order to hold my cutie pie nephew again, sigh. My brief teaser of a visit with my family was a nice little reboost and I do declare it is difficult to spend more than a few months without seeing them.  But on the flip side when I'm back in the US I want my frenchies, can't have it all can we?  

They all surprised me with a surprise dinner in Elkhart with my grandparents and to quote my grandma 'I started cooking but I don't know what happened I just kept going...!'  I got to bring back a lot of clothing and the like and do some important paperwork while I was back.  I also got an animal fix as well,  although my crazy kitten Elby doesn't recognize me anymore, but he is now a giant chubby poof ball so I guess it's reciprocated.  But the real cherry on top of this vacation was getting to see the Blauvelts of Indianapolis and Everett stole the show.  

The week went by fast with them and can I say what a cutie pie again?  Now I'm off with some friends (haha dragged along) for a week in Paris and England and back down to the south west.  Here's to the first stay at a hostel!  

To be continued...


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