
Might I add it is incrediably fulfilling to place all your essentials into really one bag, yep that's all I really need; the other bags are mom and dads' and my carry on.  My bag's are pretty light though, even with some little gifts for les Avignonnais, ready to bring home some cool stuff like...a bike!  Nawh nawh, maybe as a carryon?  This first post is dedicated to Cody, a backwards mirror shot.  Tomorrow to the airport!


  1. Thanks for the blog Emily!! Can't wait to see your discoveries! ..I see your boots are making the trek. How fashionable of you....
    Miss you but so happy for you!

  2. Yay!! It's happening!! I am still so impressed about you 1 bag. I love the simplicity. And it took me about 15 minutes to read the backwards letters but I finally got it. Aw Em :') Happy and sad tears. We are all so excited for you! Happy travels on the plane.

    1. Hold a mirror up to the screen and you can read it, or hold it up to a mirror.


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