15 things you wish you knew about France before living here part 2

After leaving the room they close doors, it's their pet peeve.

Sitting cross legged is considered hillbilly

You can't get BBC unless you pay for it, along with that many apps and shows online will not work in France (video content not available in your country)

In most towns church bells ring every hour which helps to keep track of time

They are the hosts/entertainers of the world they have the best parties, will break out singing or dancing at any moment, and always have something to remedy un goutier sec

You need to learn new measurement systems: kilometers, grams, celcius, liters, clothing sizes ( funny though in planes they measure altitude in feet )

The tax and/or tip are included in the price, but it is becoming more customary to leave a small tip at a restaurant

They seem to love New York and Los Angeles more than other American cities

Barbecue, worcestershire sauce and bacon are like catnip for them

Most can't handle spicy foods

They don't hug they either shake hands or kiss (faire la bise)

They are impressive, if not crazy and aggressive, car drivers; almost all cars are manual and it is very difficult to get a license here

A lot of meat doesn't taste as good as the US, although the sausage is really good (try merguez, chipolatas, and morteau)

You have your bathroom and you have your toilette.  Normally they aren't in the same room which makes it nice when everyone is getting ready if someone needs to use the toilette when someone is taking a shower

The postal system has given me trouble, they lost 3 packages, including bike tools and a wedding invitation.


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