Some lingo

Taf-travaille à faire ( work to do ) 

Peignard-laid back, easy 
Pinard-cheap wine
Sales mômes-little brats


Dingue-it means crazy awesome
Enorme- literally means enormous, it means awesome
Soucis-worry or worries (pas de soucis=no worries)
Truc/machin-thing, thingymabob 

In English we say Yada Yada Yada or blah blah blah in French they say ne na ni, ni na new
To call cats over in English we say 'here kitty kitty kitty' in French they say 'minou minou minou'
In English -nana- means grandma in French it means 'chick' as in a pretty girl

Some commonly used sentences:
Qu'est-ce que c'est ce truc là!  (what's this?!)
Le cinema! Qu'est-ce que c'est cet histoire...! (oh the drama, what's going on...!)
Ça me conviens (I like this, that will work)
Nous dirigeons vers les remparts (we're walking toward the walls)
Est-ce que ça te plait? (did you like that?)
C'est bien (general), c'est bon (food) [its good]
Ça va aller ( I'm doing fine {future})
J'ai fait une bêtise (I messed up, I did something stupid)
Si tu me prends pars les sentiments...(you know me, you know my weakness)

To sound somewhat conversational add:
Bref (beginning of sentence)
-là (end of sentence)
Quoi (end)
Bon, mais bon, bon ben


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